$1 Million in Coverage

$72 / year or $7 / month

More than ever educational employees are being sued for alleged injuries to students, discrimination and even allegations from parents of non-compliance with ADA guidelines. This professional liability is available to all full-time staff and student teachers. This policy provides $1,000,000 coverage per member and reimbursement of attorney fees up to $35,000 and offers a broad range of coverage for different lawsuits that may be brought against you.

What is Professional Liability Insurance?

Liability insurance is an insurance policy that protect you from claims made against you that arise out of your employment duties. Whether you’re monitoring recess, counseling or tutoring a student, Professional Liability Insurance provides coverage for being sued by parents and attorney fees.

Who is Eligible?

All W2 employees of Schools, Colleges and Universities are eligible.

When Does the Policy Begin?

Your coverage begins that day your completed application and payment is received. Coverage will be effective for one year from that date and will automatically renew yearly unless you decide to cancel.

How Do I Apply?

Applying is as simple as signing up and purchasing coverage on-line through NPEA (National Public Employee Alliance). There are no background questions or underwriting required, as with some other forms of insurance. Once you sign up you can login to your account and download a copy of the policy. You will also have access to our professional liability experts, for any inquires or questions regarding your policy.

Because we have been working with educators since 1977 we are providing this liability policy with a special discount. We are eliminating fees and passing the savings on to you. So instead of $72 / year or $7 / month, its only $60 / year or $6 / month. There’s no catch, just enter the code: fjeran12 when asked for and you’ll get the discount.

Just Click Here and enroll today.